WetStone Technologies

Unfortunately, our new website relies on browser features that are not available in older versions of Internet Explorer. As Microsoft has officially stopped supporting these browsers, we have chosen to do the same. Instead, we recommend that you upgrade Internet Explorer if you are running Windows 7, 8, or 10, or that you download a newer browser, like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

We at WetStone Technologies thank you for your interest and your patience.

WetStone Technologies,
a Division of SiviSoft

WetStone Technologies: A division of Allen Corporation
WetStone Technologies: A division of Allen Corporation

Gary Kessler, Champlain College

I have been using Gargoyle for nearly a year. I have found the program to be extraordinarily useful -- the interface is intuitive so that users with limited computer experience can rapidly become functional with the tool and the output always provides useful pointers to interesting files on the system under investigation. The addition of data sets that detect potential malware other than steganography tools has enhanced its usefulness even more. As a preliminary investigation tool, Gargoyle has proven to be an important contribution to the suite of digital forensics software.