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WetStone Technologies,
a Division of SiviSoft

WetStone Technologies: A division of Allen Corporation
WetStone Technologies: A division of Allen Corporation

StegoCommand Data Screening White Paper Download

StegoCommandTM from WetStone Technologies is currently being used in large cloud-based environments to support data screening operations.

Examples of data screening objectives for which StegoCommand is utilized include:

  • Malware screening
  • Screening for the presence of steganographic content
  • Format and type conformity validation

StegoCommand has a proven ability to identify the presence of steganography in high-volume production data streams in near real-time, while meeting stringent false-positive and false negative requirements.  

Download your copy of the white paper below to learn more about how WetStone Technologies’ StegoCommand is being used to verify third-party data feeds are free of steganographic content.

StegoCommand Case Study Download